Working without a Permit

If you are in Thailand working without a Permit, then see here. As stated before on this website, you need to have a valid work permit in Thailand and have your work permit on you while at work or you could face deportation or a large fine. The Thai workContinue Reading

Prohibited Occupations in Thailand

What are the prohibited occupations in Thailand? As a foreigner you are not allowed to hold certain positions in Thailand. These jobs are on a prohibited list and you may not fill the role in any of them. Certain profession however you will be able to obtain a work permitContinue Reading

Work Permit – Questions

Work permit questions? These are the most common questions about working. There are short answers for each but if you do have any other question then email us. If you have any other questions about the work permit process or working while you are retired then speak to an attorneyContinue Reading